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Registry Cleaner Reviews - RegCleanlite

"RegCleanlite™ your cutting-edge, technologically-advanced answer to instant registry repair."
Get RegCleanlite right now!


For registry cleaning this program doesn't offer much. It only detects very few problems compared to most other registry cleaners we have tested. The support it provides is very poor though, so make sure you really know what you're doing before investing more than just your money.


The program correctly categorized some of the incorrectly linked system files and put the rest in generic categories. With RegCleanlite you can clean up your computer and delete some of the files that slow down the performance of your PC. It can also clean and detect a few junk or unnecessary files which will make your system a little bit more efficient. While the program does not detect invalid installations, it does offer the choice to add or remove installed programs from its interface or simply delete those which cannot be uninstalled. It also can scan only certain parts of the system registry, but it has a section where you can manage file associations.


If you don’t like it you will get your many back no questions asked, there is a 60 days refund guarantee with which you’ll be able to take your money back. The payment can be done through Paypal or directly using your credit card.


As we do with all registry cleaners that we are testing on a regular basis, we have run RegCleanlite through extensive antivirus tests and it came out with a few issues.


The website provides an only email address where you can contact the RegCleanlite support team around the clock 24/7. RegCleanlite does not provide an offline guide.


The program runs by default at startup (but we consider that it should actually run only when scheduled). It also has other default settings we don't consider a very inspired choice. Operating Systems include: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7/8

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Get RegCleanlite - Free Download and Scan!