Registry Cleaner Top - Windows Registry Repair Programs Demystified!

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The world of Registry Cleaners
The world of registry cleaners

There are very many registry cleaners out there. You may think that the more the better, but at some point it becomes a chore just installing and trying them. We have encountered very many and we still are being asked by friends what we think about this and that program.

We sure all have our preferences, and we all like this or that, but when it comes down to business, the truth is that some programs are better and others are worse. The only problem is making an objective judgment and for that we need to score each program on the same criteria. So we have come up with very precise norms to base our diagnostics on.

You can now review our evaluations online in a much better presentation. Take a look!

The site is up and running
We're up and running

Initially we decided that instead of recommending the same applications over and over too all our clients, we should just post them on an intranet and give them selective access. But, now that we are quite confident in our experience, we want to share our findings with all the world out there.

So, welcome visitor, we hope that your staying here will prove very informative in your decision making process!

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